
Some technical documentation about starcoin

Sync protocols

The Starcoin block chain contains a variety of sync modes, the two most common of which are described here full syncfast sync.The following describes the sync process and sync protocols involved in each of these two modes.

Introduction to Accumulator

The Merkle Accumulator is an append-only Merkle tree that the Starcoin Blockchain uses to store the transaction_info hash. Merkle accumulators can provide proofs that a transaction was included in the chain (“proof of inclusion”). They are also called “history trees” in literature.


Starcoin blockchain is a distributed programmable database designed to be used as a financial infrastructure. The only way to change the state of the database is to execute transactions on the Starcoin VM. The transaction can contain smart contract written with Move. Move is a programming language developed by Libra Core. The security design of Move is completely consistent with the design concept of Starcoin, so we use Move to write smart contracts.

Formal Verification

Introduce to Move’s formal verification tool