export import snapshot
export import snapshot

starcoin_db_exporter command can export and offline import net main, barnard, halley, proxima snapshot
offline import snapshot also can use import_snapshot.sh


export snapshot

use starcoin_db_exporter
run cmd

    starcoin_db_exporter export-snapshot [OPTIONS] --db-path <db-path> --net <net> --output <output>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --db-path <db-path>        starcoin node db path. like ~/.starcoin/main
    -t, --increment <increment>    enable increment export snapshot
    -n, --net <net>                Chain Network, like main, proxima
    -o, --output <output>          output dir, like ~/, manifest.csv will write in output dir

the output snapshot data file is in dir ~/snapshot, the export snapshot cost 1hour-2hour() increment export snapshot

./starcoin_db_exporter export-snapshot -i ~/.starcoin/main -n main -o ~/snapshot -t true
    starcoin_db_exporter export-snapshot [OPTIONS] --db-path <db-path> --net <net> --output <output>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --db-path <db-path>        starcoin node db path. like ~/.starcoin/main
    -t, --increment <increment>    enable increment export snapshot
    -n, --net <net>                Chain Network, like main, proxima
    -o, --output <output>          output dir, like ~/, manifest.csv will write in output dir

this cmd use increment export snapshot data, dir ~/snapshot have old snapshot data, like ~/snpashot is the 1-400w block height snapshot data, then want get 1-500w block height snapshot data, use this cmd will export 400w-500w block snapshot data, then merge with old snapshot data gen new snapshot data

offline import snapshot

usestarcoin_db_exporter offline import

./starcoin_db_exporter apply-snapshot -i ~/snapshot -n main -o ~/.starcoin/main
    starcoin_db_exporter apply-snapshot --input-path <input-path> --net <net> --to-path <to-path>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -i, --input-path <input-path>    input_path, manifest.csv in this dir
    -n, --net <net>                  Chain Network
    -o, --to-path <to-path>          starcoin node db path. like ~/.starcoin/main

use import_snapshot.sh offline import snapshot

starcoin_db_exporterandimport_snapshot.sh under same path import_net_block.sh $1 $2 $1 is net node like main, barnard $2 is import_snapshot.sh download snapshot which dir $3 is storage dir like ~/.starcoin/main, ~/.starcoin/barnard

run cmd

./import_snapshot.sh barnard  ~/snapshot/ ~/.starcoin/barnard